Ticker: BEAST
Contract Address: 0x07E6158bE70e217C7db73522F01e243296b66663
Chain: Astar Network (EVM)
BEAST is the core token that powers the FunBeast Finance ecosystem and it's a utility token.
Earn BEAST from Yield Farms and Pools, buy it on the exchange, then explore its use cases:
Stake it in Pools or Farms to earn rewards
Get access to launchpad via BEAST
BEAST Tokenomics
Total Supply 100,000,000 BEAST
Initial Allocation
0.5% (500,000 BEAST) for Liquidity Maker (rest of token is burned)
4% (5,000,000 BEAST ) will be used for partnership with ecological construction, including marketing, promotional activities, liquidity management, including CEX listing - unlocked daily (vesting)
5% (10,000,000 BEAST ) will be used for development - unlocked daily (vesting)
90.5% (90,500,000 BEAST ) will be allocated to BEAST community members
80% can be earned by farming
20% can be earned by staking
0.5 ( 0.50 farming, 0.05 to dev wallet)
Last updated